States Health Literacy Policy and Models
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Literacy, Inc., makes no claim as to the accuracy of the information
provided in the California Health Literacy Initiative Health Literacy
Resource Center.
Literacy Policy
of State Governments (CSG): State Official's Guide to Health Literacy
and Health Literacy
Tool Kit
guide reports the results of CSG's 2002 National Survey on Health
Literacy Initiatives, a national
survey to find out what states are doing to improve health literacy
or to make the health care system
easier to navigate. It provides an overview of state initiatives
as well as information on relevant
academic research and successful private-sector initiatives. CSG's
Health Literacy Tool Kit contains
four issue briefs that examine different ways states can address
this problem – through their Medicaid
programs, by improving health communication, in state-mandated
K-12 curriculum, and by working
with adult learners.
For more information about health literacy
at CSG, or to find out how to request
a copy of CSG's Guide or Tool Kit, please contact Jenny Sewell,
health policy analyst, at (859) 244-8154
or jsewell@csg.org. Seach
under the keyword, "health literacy."
Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL)
print, electronic, and face-to-face communication, NCSALL ensures
that its research results
reach practitioners, administrators, policymakers, and scholars.
By providing these varied formats,
NCSALL offers an accessible, timely, and valuable source of pertinent
information for the field of adult
literacy education. All materials except The Annual Review of
Adult Learning and Literacy are available
to download. Order online for printed copies of any NCSALL publications,
including The Annual Review
of Adult Learning and Literacy.
Health and Health Literacy: State Policy Considerations
In this article Marcia Drew Hohn provides an overview of the five
strategies worth considering when
contemplating how to engage with literacy and health issues.
States Health and Human Services: The Plain Language Initiative
initiative requires the use of plain language in all new documents
written for the public, other
government entities and fellow workers.
State Models
Literacy, Inc.: California Health Literacy Initiative
The goal of the California Health Literacy Initiative is to inform
and partner with individuals and
organizations to positively impact the health and well being of
individuals with low literacy
skills, their families, and their communities.
Adult Education Practitioner’s Task Force
Curriculum framework and student performance standards are being
developed to encourage teachers to incorporate health information
into other subject areas. An emphasis has been placed on the partnerships
between the health care industry and educators. Health brochures
were developed through a Florida Department of Education grant
to Leon County Schools Adult & Community Education in cooperation
with the Florida Adult Basic Education Practitioners' Committee.
The brochures are designed for individuals with limited literacy
skills in an effort to provide information on the health topics
at a level understandable to the individual.
http://www.abeflorida.org/ health.htm
Health Literacy Pilot Sites
The Georgia Health Literacy Pilot Project established health literacy
sites throughout the state that
hold health literacy classes. Educational information and public
health concerns are included in the
A Curriculum Guide for Adult Literacy Classes
An effective ESL (English as a Second Language) curriculum, the course textbook is IHA's self-help health book, What To Do When Your Child Gets Sick. As learners begin to master reading, writing, and speaking in English, they are also learning healthcare skills to become effective child caregivers.
This project was funded through an English literacy and civics education grant from the Louisiana State Department of Education.
http://iha4health.org/index.cfm?CFID=42186129&CFTOKEN=11720932& MenuItemID=125&MenuGroup=Home
The El Paso Community College/Community Education Program
The El Paso Community College/Community Education Program has
created a health literacy
curriculum for adult learners. The lessons were developed to meet
the health and education needs
of its students.
University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics, Patient Education Materials
The University of Utah has outlined guidelines for Patient Education.
The overall purpose is to insure that the patient and, when appropriate,
his or her significant other(s) are provided with education to
enhance knowledge, skills, and behavior change.
University of Virginia, Building a Health Literacy Curriculum
The content in this site is intended to help instructors develop
their own Health Literacy curriculum at their particular institution.
Charlottesville Public Schools ESL Health Curriculum
This 10-unit multi-level curriculum focuses on developing civic
awareness and participation with regard
to health. It is committed to being student-generated and therefore
reliant upon student input.
Literacy Policy: Publications
J.A., Baker, D.W., Williams, M.V., Parker, R.M., Scott, T.L.,
Green, D.C.,
Fehrenbach, S.N., Ren, J., Koplan, J.P. (1999). Journal of the
American Medical Association,
281. 545-51.
This article reports findings of a study measuring health literacy
of elderly Medicare
enrollees in a managed care organization using the Short Test
of Functional Health Literacy in Adults
literacy: report of the Council on Scientific Affairs.
(1999). Journal of the American Medical
Association, 281. 552-557.
This article emphasizes the importance of health literacy awareness
and makes recommendations adopted as AMA policy.
M.D. (2002). Literacy, health and health literacy: State and policy
considerations, focus
on basics. Health and Literacy.
this article, Hohn provides an overview of the five strategies
worth considering when contemplating
how to engage with literacy and health issues.
S.A., Greene, J., Molnar, C., Bernstein, A., & Ghanbarpour,
S. Educating medicaid
beneficiaries about managed care: Approaches in 13 cities. The
Commonwealth Fund.
article covers a review of Medicaid managed care educational efforts
that was conducted
in 13 cities across the country. The intent of the study is to
help policymakers develop and sustain
programs that will teach beneficiaries to understand, use, and
benefit from Medicaid managed care.
http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/ publications_show.htm?doc_id=221386
K. (2001). Health literacy: Responding to the need for help. Center
for Medicare Education.
article provides an in-depth discussion of health literacy including
its impact on the Medicare
enrollment process. Recommendations include assessment of health
literacy skills by healthcare
providers, one-on-one and group assistance, visual tools, and
training programs. Funding
opportunities for these types of programs are also discussed.
K. (2000). Considering Health Literacy. Center for Medicare Education,
article provides a brief overview of health literacy, its definition,
the effect of low health literacy
on Medicare and Medicaid populations, and the costs associated
with low health literacy.
Examples of programs that address this problem are provided.
I.S., Jungebut, A., Jenkins L., & Kolstad, A. (1993). Adult
Literacy in America: A First Look
at the Results of the National Adult Literacy Survey. Washington,
D.C.: National Center for
Education Statistics, United States Department of Education.
J., & Stableford, S. (1999). Easy-to-read consumer communications:
A missing link in
Medicaid managed care. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and
Law, 24. 1-26.
article highlights the Maine Area Health Education Center Health
Literacy Center's efforts
to educate Medicaid patients with easy-to-read materials. The
center sponsored three national
skills training workshops titled "Writing for the Medicaid
B. (2001). ABCs of Health Care: Educational campaigns are afoot
to improve patient
understanding and save on unnecessary care and costs. Risk &
Insurance, 12.
this article, the health literacy efforts of various organizations
such as the AMA, Pfizer Inc., risk management company FutureHealth
Corp., and medical management company Intracorp
are examined.
Literacy Act (1991).
M.V., Parker, R.M., Baker, D.W., Parikh, N.S., Pitkin, K., Coates,
W.C., & Nurss,
J.R. (1995). Inadequate functional health literacy among patients
at two public hospitals. Journal
of the American Medical Association, 274. 1677-1682.