Multicultural and Multilingual Health Information

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California Literacy, Inc., makes no claim as to the accuracy of the information provided in the California Health Literacy Initiative Resource Center.

General Multicultural and Multilingual Health Information

Click on the following links:

Harborview Project: Accessing Online Information for Immigrant and Refugee Health  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Multicultural Health Clearinghouse

Utah Department of Health: The Office of Primary Care and Rural Health (PCRH)




California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN)
CPEHN is a statewide network of multicultural health organizations, including community-based organizations, policy experts, and health care providers. They work together to develop and advocate for a proactive multicultural health agenda that advances the health of California's diverse communities.

Closing the Health Gap

Closing the Health Gap is an educational campaign designed to promote good health as an important issue among racial and ethnic minority populations who are affected by serious diseases and health conditions at far greater rates than other Americans.

Culture Clues©
Culture Clues© are tip sheets for clinicians designed to increase awareness about concepts and preferences of patients from the diverse cultures served by University of Washington Medical Center. Currently there are seven cultures represented.

Cross Cultural Health Care Project
Since 1992, the CCHCP has been addressing broad cultural issues that impact the health of individuals and families in ethnic minority communities in Seattle and nationwide. This site also has links to journal articles about multicultural health care.

Diversity Rx
Diversity Rx is a clearinghouse of information on how to meet the language and cultural needs of minorities, immigrants, refugees and other diverse populations seeking health care. In addition to offering basic facts about language and culture, the site offers information on models, practice, policies, and legal issues.

This site has patient education materials available in eleven different languages.

EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network
EurasiaHealth Knowledge Network (a project of the American International Health Alliance/AIHA) is an on-line clearinghouse featuring a library of multilingual health resources, databases, and interactive forums. This clearinghouse--designed to serve as a repository for clinical practice guidelines, medical textbooks, and other educational materials that are available in the languages of the New Independent States (NIS) and Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)--provides users with access to information, tools, and training to enhance the knowledge of health care professionals in the region. index.jsp?sid=1&id=3542&pid=3540

Food Safety: Gateway to Government Food Safety Information
This site addresses food safety issues in a variety of languages.

Georgia State University: Nutrition Education for New Americans Project
This project, sponsored by Georgia State University and the USDA, provides multicultural health handouts in 36 languages. Materials to encourage healthy eating practices in both American and traditional diets are available.

Harborview Project: Accessing Online Information for Immigrant and Refugee Health

The Harborview Project is a collaborative effort to improve access to Internet-based health information for members of seven immigrant communities in Seattle, in a way that is culturally meaningful. The materials and classes are for sharing skills; Internet resources are for finding good health information online.


This site has general and educational resources for multicultural health information.

Everyone has special health concerns based on gender, age, race, ethnic origin, or role in helping others care for their health. Healthfinder has selected very specific information from its health library so it is easy to zero in on health topics of special interest for different groups.

Healthy Roads Media
This site contains free audio, written, and multimedia health education materials in a number of languages.

La Leche League
The materials collected here represent a growing collection of breastfeeding information in languages other than English. Go to the "Find your local LLLI group" menu for information in many languages.

Massachusetts General Hospital: Consumer Health Reference Center "Non-English Language & Health Literacy Resources"
This is a directory of websites offering easy-to-read health education materials in English and a number of other languages. This website is no longer being updated. chrc/noneng.html

Multi-Cultural Educational Services
Multi-Cultural Educational Services specializes in the translation, publication, and distribution of information to members of the refugee and immigrant community, who have not yet gained competency in English Language skills. They have created forms, books, booklets, audio and videotapes, and promotional materials for businesses, schools, governmental agencies and social services agencies. They also design and develop ESL materials for specific purposes such as environmental education and for specific groups such as preliterate adults. See the multi-lingual booklets that were developed to provide information to newcomers in Minnesota.

This Canadian site is a multi-language resource of high-quality, translated information for professional health care providers and their clients.

Online Journal of Issues in Nursing: Multicultural Health Resources
This site has links to multicultural health resources, and was compiled by the editors of The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.

Overlake Hospital: Multilingual and Multicultural Health Brochures and Information Sites

This site has a comprehensive collection of multicultural and multilingual health information. This information is available via links to multiple brochures and websites.

United States Food and Drug Administration, Office of Women’s Health: My Medicines
Available in many languages, the "My Medicines" brochure is the centerpiece of the 1999 Women's Health: Take Time To Care Campaign. Use this easy-to-read pamphlet and medicine-tracking chart to learn more about taking medicines correctly.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Multicultural Health Clearinghouse
This site has been developed by the Special Populations Students' Health Concerns Committee (SPSHCC) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Campaigh to provide health and wellness information for under-represented population groups. The information presented is intended to highlight health topics that are pertinent to each population but not necessarily exclusive to those groups.

Utah Department of Health: The Office of Primary Care and Rural Health (PCRH)
The Office of Primary Care and Rural Health (PCRH) Primary Care Office offers free cultural competency training and links to other resources.



African American Health Information

Click on the following links:



African American Health Network
This site has information on a variety of cultural, culinary and health related issues for African-Americans; however, this site should by no means be limited to African Americans. is a culturally oriented and ethnically focused comprehensive Internet-based health and medical information provider dedicated to addressing the special health problems of African-Americans, whose state of health is especially precarious because chronic disease has an excessive impact on minority populations.

Black Womens Health
This site is dedicated to the health and wellness of today’s African-American Women.

McKinley Health Center: African American Health Issues
This Website is from the McKinley Health Center. Certain diseases and conditions are major issues in the African-American population. It is important that African Americans understand how these diseases/conditions may affect their lives, and take appropriate measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle. AfricanAmericanHealth.htm

Medline Plus: African American Health
The National Library of Medicine provides these links to quality online resources.

Mills-Peninsula Health Services: African American Community Health Advisory Committee (AACHAC)
The African American Community Health Advisory Committee is a community partnership with the Mills-Peninsula Health Services (San Mateo County, CA) and the faith community. This organization’s mission is to create an awareness of major health concerns and issues affecting African Americans, and to actively seek and promote a more healthful lifestyle.

National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease: Tips for Improving Your Health
These are health improvement tips specifically for African American men and women.

National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: Improving Cardiovascular Health in African Americans, Package of Seven Easy-To-Read Booklets
These booklets are designed to help you reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Each booklet provides specific information on improving heart health and identifies steps to promote healthy lifestyles among African Americans.

National Women’s Health Information Center: Health Problems in African American Women
This site contains information about the health problems commonly faced by African American women.

San Francisco Department of Public Health: African American Health Initiative (AAHI)
The African American Health Initiative (AAHI) was created to reduce the significant disparities in health in the African-American community. These disparities include heart disease, stroke, cancers (lung, prostate, cervical and breast cancers), diabetes mellitus, heart disease, HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, hypertension, stroke, drug poisoning (substance abuse), violence (community, domestic and family), mental health and stress, and other factors related to environmental injustice (including acts of racism).


Asian Health Information

Click on the following links:

Baylor University School of Nursing: Resources for Cross-Cultural Care and Prevention




Asian Health Services
This site serves and advocates for the immigrant and refugee Asian community regarding
health rights and to assure access to health care services regardless of income, insurance status, language, or culture.

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum is a national advocacy organization dedicated to promoting policy, program, and research efforts for the improvement of health status of all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations: List of pamphlets and other materials available in Chinese, Hmong, Ilocano, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Mien, Samoan, Tagalog, Vietnamese. Materials can be ordered, and many are free.

Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations:

AAPCHO's BALANCE Program for Diabetes is designed to work cooperatively with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health's National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP). The primary activities are aimed to increase the awareness of diabetes in AAPI communities, improve the treatment and outcomes for AAPIs living with diabetes, promote early diagnosis, and ultimately prevent the onset of diabetes. There are also programs for cancer, Hepatitis B, and HIV/AIDS.

Baylor University School of Nursing: Resources for Cross-Cultural Care and Prevention
This site includes health education resources in a variety of Asian languages.

Hmong Health Website
This site is in development but includes a Hmong-English medical dictionary.

Khmer Health Advocates
This website is dedicated to war survivors and their families and is committed to a greater understanding of the physical and psychological illness that comes from war, torture and genocide.

National Library of Medicine, Asian-American Health
This website is an information portal to issues affecting the health and well being of Asian Americans in the United States.

Selected Patient Information Resources in Asian Languages (SPIRAL)
SPIRAL provides consumer information in Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Laotian and teaches health care providers to use the wide variety of available, web-based patient education resources.


Latino Health Information

Click on the following links:

Latino Health Access

University of Connecticut, Cooperative Extension System: Hispanic Health Council

Library Online Services of South Texas College: A Su Salud University of Utah Health Sciences Center: Patient Education Materials in Spanish


Federal Drug Administration: Easy-to-Read Nutrition Information
Dieta Para un Corazón Saludable (Eating for a Healthy Heart)

Comiendo Bien en la Vejez (Eating Well as We Age)

Alimentando a su Bebé con Leche Materna o Biberón (Feeding Baby With Breast Milk or Formula)

¡Goce de Buena Salud; Proteja los Alimentos! (Enjoy Good Health; Keep Food Safe)

Pierda Peso sin Riesgo Para la Salud (Losing Weight Safely)

Everyone has special health concerns based on gender, age, race, ethnic origin, or role in helping others care for their health. Healthfinder has selected very specific information from its health library so it is easy to zero in on health topics of special interest for different groups.

International Diabetes Center Publishing
Staying Healthy with Type 2 Diabetes--This Spanish-language version of Staying Healthy with Type 2 Diabetes explains the causes, symptoms and management of Type 2 diabetes, and emphasizes the value of healthy eating, exercising and regular blood glucose testing. There is a charge for these materials. listcat/listcat.cfm?catid=5

Las Culturas
Las provides health resources focused on Latino cultures.

Latin Issues Forum
lSince its inception, Latino Issues Forum has been committed to ensuring that Latinos have access to health care and are able to live healthy lives. The majority of this work has focused on health access issues, specifically to provide quality health services and to increase access to health insurance in a culturally and linguistically responsible manner for Latino, low-income, and limited English speaking communities.

Latino Health Access, Health Promoter Training and Program
The mission of Latino Health Access is to assist in improving the quality of life and health of uninsured, underserved people through quality preventive services and educational programs. Promotores are highly trained community health workers. They are recruited, hired and trained from the communities in which they live. They are educators and role models who are highly skilled at leading their peers toward wellness. Latino Health Access has been on the cutting edge of the Promotores movement for the past ten years.

Library Online Services of South Texas Community College: A Su Salud
A Su Salud offers an extensive list of health-related information and websites for educators and Spanish-speaking adults.

Medline Plus
This site is sponsored by Medline Plus and provides health information in Spanish.

National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Su Familia offers free, reliable, and confidential health information in Spanish and English. Bilingual health information specialists provide basic health information on a wide range of health topics and make references to health care providers in the community.

North Carolina AHEC Latino Health Resource Center
The North Carolina AHEC Latino Health Resource Center provides resources for health care providers and their Spanish-speaking patients.
This site contains reproductive health information for women in Spanish and Portuguese.

United States Food and Drug Administration: Easy-to-Read Brochures
This is part of the FDA web site and contains a collection of 21 easy-to-read brochures--in English and Spanish on topics such as eating well, arthritis, AIDS, and clinical trials. All brochures are available for download in PDF format and many are available in print form from the FDA.

University of Connecticut, Cooperative Extension System: Hispanic Health Council
These health resources combine Latino culture and patient education techniques. There is a fee associated with acquiring these materials.

University of Utah Health Sciences Center: Patient Education Materials in Spanish
This site offers patient education materials in Spanish from the University of Utah Health Sciences Center and National Libraries of Medicine.

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