Easy-to-Read Materials to Help Patients Understand

Cancer InfoNet
This site was designed to teach both consumers and health care providers about online cancer resources, basic internet skills, and credible cancer Websites. Updated and easy-to-read cancer information is provided particularly for underserved communities.

Healthy Mothers Have Healthier Babies with Folic Acid: Emma's Story
Limited quantities of the publications are available free of charge. This new booklet, entitled "Healthy Mothers Have Healthier Babies with Folic Acid: Emma's Story," is available in both English and Spanish and is written at a 6th grade level. This educational booklet tells the story of a wife and husband who are planning for pregnancy and learn the importance of taking folic acid before she is pregnant, throughout her pregnancy, and every day. Users may also browse through a variety of topics. http://www2.cdc.gov/ncbddd/faorder

Healthy Roads Media
This site contains free audio, written, and multimedia health education materials in a number of languages. The materials are organized by health topics from “Abuse” to “Smoking.”

Massachusetts General Hospital: Consumer Health Reference Center "Non-English Language & Health Literacy Resources"
This is a directory of websites offering easy-to-read health education materials in English and a number of other languages. This website is no longer being updated. http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/library/chrc/noneng.html

Medline Plus
Users can search the Medline Plus database of easy-to-read health information in plain language. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/easytoread/easytoread_a.html

Michigan Adult Learning & Technology Center: Health Literacy
This website provides a bibliography of health literacy materials, as well as a list of sources of easy-to-read patient education materials, plus a list of sources for clip-art. Most of these materials must be ordered.

Oregon Health and Science University: Patient Education Resources for Clinicians
This resource of the Oregon Health and Science University offers handouts for low-literacy patients. http://www.ohsu.edu/library/patiented/links.shtml#lowlit

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